
Welcome to
a canadian firefighter resource and communication site

Your Resource Page-find what you need here .

To get the firefighter webmail, document access, communication tools and documents offered at this site, you must login or set-up your email account on left menu.

Contact Us *To get in touch with us
Register for Membership *Click here to become a member
Document Sharing Depot * need to become a member; access is also available when you sign-in to your email -Members make contributions*
Login/Signin * To sign in to your email account
To advertise with us *Fill out our contact form
Benefits of membership * what this site offers to firefighter members
Upload Addresses *upload your address book to your new webmail address
Text anyones phone *this page links you to carriers to text anyones phone from the internet
Find a WiFi spot in Canada. *Find a canadian WiFi-Hotspot
firefighter Surveys *proposed
canadian firefighter forum & blog *coming soon
canadian fire department contacts *proposed database
canadian firefighter stories to learn from *proposed
firefighter mailing lists *proposed for public; available to be setup from within/ your login
firefighter ecommerce *sale of respective fire department tshirts etc-proposed
Administration Login Ip Lookup
Other Firefighter Resources online training-codes-procedures other than within site-ongoing update
Interesting idea